Passing free-form content inside the card-replacement body only

A Rock Climber

Anything can be passed inside the card body container. Woohoo!

Passing free-form content for the entire card

This is a button Verylongunbrokenword

This is an eyebrow

This is a headline

This is a paragraph.

This is a button Verylongunbrokenword

This is an eyebrow

This is a headline

This is a paragraph.

Anything can be passed inside the card container. Woohoo!
This card is completely customized using the content prop
Row 1 R1C1 R1C2 R1C3
Row 2 R2C1 R2C2 R2C3
Row 3 R3C1 R3C2 R3C3
Footer FC1 FC2 FC3